JKZ — xCOD External Software - ChangeLog

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# [Current Release] #
08/17/2K24 ~ v13.3.0 & v13.3.1

-> Source: Fixed Steam/BNet Sources-caching.
-> Source: Added Steam Support!!! ;-)

# [Coming Release] #
XX/XX/2K22 ~ vX.X.X

# [Previous Releases] #
10/28/2K23 ~ v13.1.0 & v13.2.0

-> Source: Updated API!

05/25/2K23 ~ v13.0.4

- Source-Updated: Unlocked Patch and Patches until Patch 1.32!

10/15/2K22 ~ v13.0.3

- Recovery-Updated: 'Instand Wave Skipper' and 'Fast Wave Skipper' got changed with 1.29.3 and was Updated now!

10/12/2K22 ~ v13.0.1 & v13.0.2

- Source-Fixed: a random startup issue.
- Source-Improved: Cache Bases (if Client-Cache or Server-Cache are outdated sided by a Game-Updated) is ~80% Faster now!

- Recovery-Updated: 'Instand Wave Skipper' and 'Fast Wave Skipper' got changed with 1.29.2, it got updated now!

10/01/2K22 ~ v13.0.0

- Source-Update: Unlocked Patch 1.29.X and Patches until Patch 1.30!

JayKoZa Updated: 08/17/2K24