Cash and RP Mission Modifiers |
NOTE: All Cash and RP Changings are as safe as your social gameplay! Only use the Cash and RP Script same i use in my Tutorials! Dont use Cash or RP Script in a Public Lobby, Only the 120K Impro. Race! 1. If you don't know the amount you can win, play a Round and see how many money you earn without any modification. 2. Type in your amount you can win (its 765 about lvl. 40 under 1 min. On criminal records). 3. Select 100K listed or 200K Stealth (invisible) for Jobs and on Heists only select 1M or 2.5M. 4. Start a Mission and bevor the mission is complete, Minimize the Mod Menu with Numpad / and Press Numpad * to activate the Modifiers! Regards JayKoZa |